The forgotten JBOSS Admin Console and CVE 2010-1871
Well, we are in 2013 and It’s amazing how many JBOSS administration interfaces (jmx-console, web-console, invokers etc) are still exposed on the internet, however we are not going to talk about it. A couple of days ago I was performing a penetration testing and I found an environment with JBOSS AS 6. The JMX-Console wasn’t password protected but one console in special attracted my attention: the Admin Console. It seems that this console, I do not know the reason, is kind of forgotten by the security community as an attack vector. The default access credential for this console is admin/admin and it is also built upon a vulnerable version of Seam framework CVE 2010-1871 . This console provides a powerful JBOSS administration allowing a user to check the server’s configuration, to deploy and to delete applications, to read datasources etc. I checked out for the default credential but they were changed. There were other ways to hack this JBOSS but I was quite interes...